Well, I think for me changes come in the little steps.
My detox has been hard but good, definitely not perfect. The wheels started coming off the bus when my husband was gone for a week on a business trip. It is hard for me to be disciplined, period, thus the resolution and blog. I learned extended extreme discipline is near impossible for me. I have not lost 20 pounds in 20 days like I had hoped(I tend to be optimistic or unrealistic depending how you look at things). I have not been cured of my chronic pain i.e. my fibromyalgia, tmj, pms, migraines, and chronic lower back pain. But I did prove to myself that I can go 24 days(Sunday is my last day) without red meat, soda, chips, fries, sugar, processed food, fried food, alcohol, anything worth eating, bread, etc. Which if you know me, is a miracle in it self. I do feel better, have lost some weight, have learned and experienced a lot of different things that I knew little to nothing about 24 days ago.
I have gained profound respect for my friends who are allergic to certain foods, especially those they love. It has been spiritually enlightening to think about the Israelites and the fact that they went from the abundance of Egypt to JUST manna and quail! I am a spoiled rotten American that thoroughly enjoys all the options. That is what I am battling at the heart level being content and grateful and not greedy no matter what is put before me. I do believe I have become a much more conscientious eater. It is January 26 and I am still focused on my New Years Resolution. Now that is something to celebrate!
Good for you, Lisa! I'd begun having a mind-change about my body, health and spirit when the cancer issue happened, and have learned so much since then that's been such a blessing. I also struggle with discipline, and it's been/still is such a huge piece of the "story" for a healthier focus, for me. I'm very encouraged by your blog, and can't wait to see your "metamorphisis", as well as to learn and grow more, personally, from it.