January 19, 2011

All Things Juicy

So, I bought a Jack Lalanne Juicer at Costco last week and used it for the first time this morning. Both my teenagers are sick and so I made them real apple juice with organic apples, which I also bought from Costco. So my daughter tastes the juice and she says, 'It tastes like an apple. No, like eating a real apple.' And I said,' I know, I know. That is what it is supposed to taste like, that is why I bought the juicer.'
Then I proceeded to make this 'Green Juice' I saw on a morning show from Kris Carr. She is a young woman who has gone from being a 'junk food junkie' to a 'green machine' to combat her cancer. The juice consisted of 5 organic kale leaves, that look and smell like the grass our cows would eat in the summer, when it is juiced. 4 organic celery stalks, 2 organic cucumbers, 1 inch of ginger, 1 green organic apple, and 2 organic stalks of broccoli.
It was not appealing to this beef feed, farm girl's palette.
But I choke it down because 'it is good for me'.

Last night I also made my first VEGAN meal, Chili with Quinoa.
Needless to say, I was the only one who ate it, but I actually really like it. I will make it again but probably with wagyu beef.

And this is where my dilemma comes in, I am a carnivore through and through. I come from a heritage of Tillamook Dairy Farmers and Wagyu Beef Ranchers. I was raised with a philosophy of, 'You only have so many heart beats, so you might as well enjoy them all'. I daily battle 42 years of eating, thinking and drinking while on this 28 day detox. 17 days down, 11 to go.