January 6, 2011

Panera Please...

So I woke up this morning not wanting to do my detox. I had another headache and I am "PMSing" which means I don't feel good and want to eat something "BAD" for me. Something eggy, cheesy, and fatty; you get the picture. I wanted to go to Panera and have the artichoke souffle, a cup of coffee and a coke(even though they only have Pepsi, I make an exception because of the souffle) Well, I have cut out coffee, soda, eggs, dairy, and wheat, so that rules out Panera's artichoke souffle. Well, at least until February first.

So instead, I will treat myself to room temperature lemon water...

What I Do Daily During My 28 Day Detox

*Read my Bible
*Drink 12oz of room temperature bottled water with the juice of one organic lemon squeezed in and a dash of cayenne pepper
*Drink 2 cups of detox tea
*Walk for at least 20 minutes
*Drink 64oz of H2O
*Take vitamins: 2 fish oil, B complex, Calcium with D3 and a multi
*Drink Green Juice
*Drink Red Juice
*Take at least 10 deep breaths
*Bought a house plant

What I DON'T DO:
*Eat Red Meat
*Eat Dairy
*Eat Wheat
*Eat Sugar(except for 1 dove dark chocolate)
*Eat Processed food
*Watch TV( except for Parenthood with Hubby)

I have to say, I am glad I am doing this for the discipline and the health benefits, but I get headaches every day around 3 and I wake up with one. I'm not sure if it is because I am still releasing toxins or that my body is just prone to them because of my TMJ and Fibromyalgia. But I am only on day 3 and I think I need to stay the course and give it time.