January 2, 2011

Turning over a new leaf... Part Deux

Genesis 1:12
The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

God clearly knows what He is doing! Having house plants are a good thing,

"The good news is that a classic NASA study found that common house plants could improve air quality. In fact, they reported that houseplants were able to remove up to 87 percent of air toxins in 24 hours. The recommendation? Use 15 to 18 "good-sized" house plants in 6- to 8-inch diameter containers for an 1,800 square-foot house." (www.sixwise.com)
So, I thought I would start with one.
The only problem with this new found plan, is that it is already attacking the "green" in my pocket. This beautiful plant set me back 23 bucks.  The lovely container was $13. The organic lemons for my hot water to detox my liver tomorrow morning were $3.99. The detox tea $3.98. Just sayin'.


Turning over a new leaf...

So here goes, my first blog. A internet journal of my year long journey to become Cleaner(more organized), Leaner(lose some lbs.), Greener(better to the planet) and not become Meaner(be kinder) through the process.
So today on the way home from church I will buy my first house plant. It will be my first because I have never owned one because of my propensity to kill plants by over watering and under watering. But the books I am using to guide my detox recommend a house plant for oxygen and beauty. I look forward to the challenge...