February 13, 2011

I Am Back

Wow, what a crazy couple of weeks it has been. Ok, so I have been focusing on prayer this month and it has been great. I am reading a book about all the prayers of the Bible and have been loving it! So cool to see that in Genesis men just spoke to God, God just spoke to men. They walk with God. It wasn't this formal, forced thing. It wasn't a timed thing. It was a need thing, a relational thing. I love that. So, I scratched the pray for an hour a day deal and I am focusing on disconnecting from technology to be connected to God. A fast so to speak. Spending time with God before spending time on the computer, phone, Facebook etc. I have focused on listening to God first, stilling my heart, my mind and MY spirit, so I can better listen to HIS Spirit. I have been trying to be creative and dancing with God, holding hands with God, singing to God and laughing with God, crying with God. My best prayers, as of late, according to me, you'll have to ask Him if he feels the same have been me just asking over and over, "Please help me. Please help me."

On a continued note, I am eating better than I did a year ago, my plant is still alive and I am buying plants for Valentine gifts for my kids instead of chocolates this year. Pretty leaner and greener if you ask me.