January 4, 2011

Black is the New Brown

For years I have heard about the nutritional properties of brown rice and how much better it is than white rice. The taste and texture of brown rice leaves something to be desired as far as I am concerned. I would eat it, at times, just because it was "good" for me. Well, there is a new rice in town and it is even better for us than BLUEBERRIES when it comes to antioxidant effects on our bodies, it is black rice. The great thing about it as far as I am concerned is that I really like the taste of it and so does my family, even my 14 year old son who tries to avoid healthy foods at all cost.
I made it last night with wild salmon and steamed organic broccoli. Talk about a plate of multi colored super foods! It has almost a sweet flavor and pleasant texture. Give it a try, I bought mine at Whole Foods and it was called "Forbidden Rice".  It use to be only for Emperors of China because of the health benefits and long life that it brought them. Luckily we live in an era that good health isn't reserved just for royalty!


1 comment:

  1. Thats cool i had never in my life heard of black rice until you told me about it maybe i will have to try it....
